Animation created by Nadine Yamout & Marie Christine Melhem of The Brightside Design Studio - Beirut, Lebanon
Without the help of our friends we wouldn't have been able to launch #GGRIL. The latest talent to join the effort is Nadine Yamout & Marie Christine Melhem from The Brightside Studio in Beirut who created this marvelous video animation telling the how's and why's of the #Green #Glass #Recycling Initiative for #Lebanon. Please share and help us spread the word.
Taking part in the effort of launching GGRIL:
Fan Attiba'a
The Brightside Design Studio
GGRIL Products available at these outlets:
-Plan Bey, Mar Mikhael, Achrafieh 01-444110
-Tawlet Restaurant, Mar Mikhael Achrafieh 01-448129
-Dar Bistro, Wardieh Hamra 01-373348
-Platform 39, Fassouh Achrafieh 03-719381
-The Bayrut Express, Sassine Square Achrafieh 03-239756
-The AUB Museum Shop, Bliss Hamra 01-340549
-Vide Posh, Main Badaro Street Badaro 03-228225
-Healthy Steps, Adonis 09-217198 / 03-746055
GGRIL Products available at these outlets:
-Plan Bey, Mar Mikhael, Achrafieh 01-444110
-Tawlet Restaurant, Mar Mikhael Achrafieh 01-448129
-Dar Bistro, Wardieh Hamra 01-373348
-Platform 39, Fassouh Achrafieh 03-719381
-The Bayrut Express, Sassine Square Achrafieh 03-239756
-The AUB Museum Shop, Bliss Hamra 01-340549
-Vide Posh, Main Badaro Street Badaro 03-228225
-Healthy Steps, Adonis 09-217198 / 03-746055